Thursday, September 24, 2009


When it comes to reading, growing up, no one ever really ever brought it up to me. Going through school I would read here and there, however it was never a great hobby of mine. During fifth grade my teacher encouraged me to read, so I read a couple books, and eventually got tired of reading and took a long break. When in high school, I never read the books assigned, and just didn’t enjoy it at all. I remember I started the book “A child called it”, and I got really far, but never got to actually finishing it. The summer of 2009 is when I got very close to my friend named Hayley. I watched as she read really lengthy books, such as all the Harry Potter books, and the Twilight books. Watching her excitement and love for reading has really inspired me and now I am trying to get back on track and get into reading a lot more then I did in the past. Usually I never read the class books assigned, however I have been reading the class assigned book “Funny in Farsi”, and have really been enjoying it, seeing to as I can relate to the girl, Firoozeh, a lot. Also a lot of her family customs are very similar to mine, which makes me understand all the obstacles she goes through. Once I complete this book, I do intend on picking a book of my choice, and reading it. When it comes to reading, I think my best friend, Hayley, is to thank, for showing me all I have been missing out on.


Word: Tutelage (n)

Source/Page: Funny in Farsi (130)

Contex clue: Firoozeh uses under the tutelage and then mentions teacher, which reveal higher authority.

Definition: The act of guarding, protecting, or guiding.

Original sentence: Famous popstars usually feel safe under the tutelage of their body guards.


Word: Frugal (adj)

Source/Page: Funny in Farsi (123)

Contex clues: She uses the word to describe families, and after she notes it made her angry.

Definition: not wasteful

Original Sentence: The frugal family saved every bit of food they had, and did not throw away anyleft overs.


Word: Deranged (adj)

Source/page: Funny in Farsi (123)

Contex clues: Firoozeh uses king tut as an example.

Definition: Disordered; Disarranged

Original Sentence: The body was deranged after being ran over by the huge truck.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Studying the vocabulary required for this class has had an impact on me in many various ways. Throughout life I have heard many words on the list from others, trying to act as if I knew what they meant, and now I look back and realize what was really being said. Also it has given me a wider range of words to use in my everyday language. Through our vocab I have not only memorized the meanings of the word, but I have actually began using them, making me seem more educated. Also it has helped me pass it on to others who do not understand the word nd ask me for its meaning, giving them another word to add in there speech. My favorite thing about the vocab chosen, is that most of the words give a hint of their meanings by the root word. Also a great way I have learned to find the meanings is by contex clues. Many have difficulty to remember the word, but looking at sentences with the vocab used helps significantly, and also creating original sentences helps one remember it. Whats great fun about the vocab is they are from things I have read, such as Funny in Farsi, which helps to understand the book more. It was also nice learning vocab from other countries such as baklava, the persian sweet. I am Palestinian, which is very close to Persian, so its very exciting to learn these type of words. Learning the vocab words has impacted my everyday life greatly.


Word: Olfactory (adj)

Source/Page: Funny in Farsi (97)

Contex Clue: The flowers described in the sentence and the word sense used after Olfactory.

Definition: Pertaining to the sense of smell

Original sentence: My olfactory sense led me to the conclusion my mother was making spaghetti.


Word: Strewn (v)

Source/Page: Funny in Farsi (113)

Contex Clue: When it mentions the lawn and miniature Iranian flags, I used my logic to find it means spread out.

Definition: to spread widely

Original sentence: The little girls toys were strewn all over the room.


Word: Permutation (n)

Source/Page: Funny in Farsi (66)

Contex Clue: I used my logic, " I am once again reminded that I am an immigrant with a foreign name"

Definition: Changing the order of elements

Original Sentence: The toddler would recited the abc's by starting off as acb which is a permutation.


Word: encapsulate (v)

Source/Page number: Funny in Farsi, 34

Contex clues: Comparing the kind children to a pill as an example

Definition: To enclose in or as if in a capsule

Original sentence: After dropping the box of crickets, the man tried to encapsulate them back into the box.


Word: insatiable (adj)

Source/Page: Funny in Farsi (pg 27)

Context clue: logic- wondrous and marveling to show that insatiable is positive.

Def:incapable of being satisfied

Original sentence:Mark has an insatiable desire for snowboarding. His dad has to drag him off the mountain even after the lifts have closed.


Word: Sensuous (adj)

Source/Page: Funny in Farsi (pg 25)

Context Clue: The taste of the Persian food and smell and the experience of the taste.

Def:Highly susceptible to influence through the senses.

Original Sentence:The sensuous food hit my senses when i walked into the restaurant.


The Word: Solitude (n)

The Source Sentence and (Page Number): Yellow Ribbon/ N/A

Context Clues: Iron bars are being used to interfere jail making soltitude to mean alone.

Definition: Being alone or remote from society.

Your Original Sentence: With her husband at work, and her kids at school, the mother was completely solitude and able to relax.